Christ The King Academy Online Registration

Personal Info. Please fill up the form completely. Write NA if not applicable.

Classification *

School Year *

Grade Level *

Semester (for SHS)
Select Strand (for SHS only)

For SHS only
Learner Reference No. (LRN)
Last Name *
First Name *
Middle Name *
Extension Name (e.g. Jr. III, if applicable)
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) *
Format: mm/dd/yyyy (11/11/2012)
Place of Birth *
Sex *
Age *
Civil Status *
Nationality *

Contact Number *
Email Address *
Gmail account is preferred.
How will you be supported in your studies? *

Are you an ESC Grantee? *
Name of Grant (If Scholar/Grantee)
Write N/A if not applicable.
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