I.S. Montessori Student Registration

Student Info (* fields are required)

Classification *

Name of Previous School (for Transferees Only)
Write N/A if old or New Student
School Year *
Grade Level *
Last Name *
First Name *
Middle Name *
Complete Address *
Gender *

Birthday *
Format: mm/dd/yyyy (sample: 10/30/2010)
Age *
As of filling up this registration form
Nationality *
Learner's Reference Number (LRN)
Assigned by DepEd
Student's Personal Email Address (if any) *
Please write NONE if there is no existing account.
Student's Personal Facebook Name (if any) *
Please write NONE if there is no existing account.
Brothers/Sisters Enrolled in ISM (Names and Grade Level)
Sibling 1
Sibling 2
Sibling 3
Sibling 4
ESC Voucher Holder
For High School Students Only (Grades 7 to 12)
Father's Name *
ISM Alumni (Father)? *
Father's Contact No. *
Father's Email Address *
Please write NONE if there is no existing account
Father's Facebook Name *
Mother's Name *
ISM Alumni (Mother)? *
Mother's Contact No. *
Mother's Email Address *
Please write NONE if there is no existing account
Mother's Facebook Name *
Name of Guardian and Relationship with Student (If Applicable)
Guardian's Contact No.
Guardian's Email Address *
Please write NONE if there is no existing account
Guardian's Facebook Name
Referred by an ISM Parent or Staff? *
If Yes, Referred by (Please state name)
Email address for communication *
Please specify the Email address where we can send supplemental lessons, activities, or announcements
Facebook Account for communication *
Please specify the Facebook Account where we can send supplemental lessons, activities, or announcements
Agree to school policies *
The information herein shall be treated as confidential in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012.